| Bain & Iglesia, May – November (2024) Awaiting advice. |
| Aonghus & Ginevra, November – May (2023-2024) Viking style ‘Raven banner’ pair in personal heraldry. |
| Ratbot & Katherine, Autumn – Spring (2023) Radbot – Games pouch with personal heraldry in any style Katherine – 16th century bookcover |
| Thibult & Jayne, Spring – Autumn (2023) Thibult – 16th century German shirt Design and work: Mistress Fionn O’Mara Jayne – Awaiting advice |
| Alain & Safiya, Autumn – Spring (2022) Artisans choice |
Awaiting advice | Leofric & Sabine II, Spring – Autumn (2022) Awaiting advice |
Awaiting advice | Oze & Miriam, Midwinter – Spring (2021) Awaiting advice |
Awaiting advice | Rowland II & Tailltui II, 12th Night – Midwinter (2021) Awaiting advice |
| Theuderic II & Engelin II, 12th Night – 12th Night (2021) Matching Small Bayeux wall hangings |
| Niáll III & Sabine, Midwinter – 12th Night (2020) Niall – Heraldic banner Sabine – Awaiting advice |
  | Felix II & Eva II, 12th Night – Midwinter XLXII (2019) Heraldic cushions Design: Lady Nicola de Coventre Work: Lady Rosalind Beaufort, Lady Arabella d’Aubigny |
| Kinggiyadai II and Altani II, Midwinter – 12th Night (2019) Matching cloud collars |
In progress | Rowland & Tailltui, 12th Night – Midwinter XLXII (2018) Rowland – Garters Design and work: Mistress Murghein ni Grianne Tailltui – 14th century purse Design and work: Lady Rosalind Beaufort |
In progress | Steffan II & Branwen II, Midwinter – 12th Night XLXI (2018) Steffan – Blackwork collar and cuffs Design: Lady Safiyya Fiore da Rabatta Branwen – Blackwork collar and cuffs Design: Lady Safiyya Fiore da Rabatta Work: Lady Nicola de Coventre |
In progress | Ariston I & Lilavati I, 12th Night – Midwinter XLXII (2017) Queens Glove token Design and work: Baroness Anna Felice Tavestoche |
 | Throlfr I & Halla I, Midwinter – 12th Night XLXI (2017) Throlfr – Collar and cuffs Design: Mistress Sigrid Olafsdottir Work: Lord Bjorn Sæmundarson Halla – Embroidered apron Design and Work: Mistress Muirghein ni Grainne |

 | Gilbert I & Bethony I, 12th Night – Midwinter XLXI (2016) Gilbert – Pattern darned towel Design and work: Mistress Miriam bat Shimeon Bethony – Pattern darned towel Design and Work: Mistress Ceara Shionnach |

 | Steffan I & Branwen I, Midwinter – 12th Night XLX (2016) Steffan – Blackwork collar and cuffs Design and work: Lady Rosamond de Montford Branwen – Blackwork coif Design and Work: Lady Fionnabhair inghean ui Mheadhra |
In progress | Kinggyadai I & Altani I, 12th Night – Midwinter XLX (2015) Kinggyadai – Purse Design: Lady Danielis de Luni Work: Mistress Keridwen the Mouse Altani – Pendant Design and Work: Lady Danielis de Luni |
 | Niall II & Liadan II, Midwinter – Twelfth Night XLIX (2015) Khagan Collar and Cuffs Design: Mistress Leonie de Grey Work: Lady Aveline Goupil (cuffs), Leonor de Alcócer (collars) |
In progress | Alfar III and Angharat I, Midwinter XLIX (2014) Strips of Greek style edging Design and work: Lady Nicola de Coventre |
 | Niall I and Liadan I, 12th Night XLVIII (2014) Nial – 12thc Embroidery Design: Leonie de Grey Work: Lady Aveline Goupil and Lady Leonor de Alcócer Liadan – Bliaut Embroidery Design and Work: Mistress Muirghein ni Grainne |
 | Felix I and Eva I, Midwinter XLVIII (2013) Felix – Gofannon Design: Mistress Rowan Perigrynne Work: To be reassigned Eva – Steuchlein Design: Mistress Rowan Perigrynne Work: Mistress Tailltiu ghoirt ruaidh |
 | Henri I and Beatrice I, 12th Night XLVII (2013) Henri – Viking collar and cuffs Design: Lady Sophia van Dorne Work: Mistress Sigrid Olafsdottir Beatrice – Viking apron Design and Work: Mistress Sigrid Olafsdottir |
 | Siridean II and Margie I, Midwinter XLVII (2012) Siridean – AngloSaxon collar/cuffs Design and work: Ragnhildr Freysteinndottir (assigned) Margie – Mammen style peplos Design and work: Sigrid Olafdottir |
In progress | Cornelius III and Elizabeth I, 12th Night XLVI (2012) Cornelius – no longer required Elizabeth – 15thc Henin Design and work: Mistress Rowan Perigrynne |
 | Gabriel II and Constanzia II, Midwinter XLVI (2011) Gabriel – Blackwork collar and cuffs Design and work: Lady Alliette Delacourt Constanzia – ‘Something Spanish’ Design and work: Lady Blanca Gutierrez de Avila (assigned) |
 | Edmund I and Leonore I, 12th Night XLV (2011) Edmund – Blackwork collar and cuffs Design and work: Mistress Keredwin the Mouse Leonore – Steuchlein (no longer required) |

 | Bran I and Lilya I, 12th Night – Midwinter XLV (2010) Bran – Goldwork cuffs Design: Sir Bran torc Dubh Mac Brude Work – Lady Jane Stockton and Mistress Leoba of Lecelade Lilya: Mamluk sash Design and work: Lady Rosamond de Montfort |
 | Gabriel I and Constanzia I, Midwinter – 12th Night XLIV (2010) Gabriel – Blackwork shirt Design and work: Lady Nesta verch Wyn (in progress) Constanzia – Crewelwork cushion Design and work: Lady Madelaine le Mercer |
 | Theuderic I and Engelin I, 12th Night – Midwinter AS XLIV (2009) Merovangian cartouches Design: Mistress Rowan Perigrynne Worked by: Lady Sinech ingen Chonchobair, Dame Miriam Galbraith, Lady Ginevra and Mistress Keridwen the Mouse |
 | Siridean I and Siban I, Midwinter – 12th Night AS XLIII (2009) Anglo Saxon rondels Siridean – Design and work by Dame Miriam Galbraith Siban – Work by Mistress Sara van der Hove (in progress) |

 | Berengar I and Bethan I, 12th Night – Midwinter AS XLIII (2008) Berengar – Elizabethan cushion Design and work: Lady Hunydd verch Madyn Duy and Mistress Keridwen the Mouse Bethan – Elizabethan bookcover Design and work: Lady Leoba of Lecelade |
 | Hugh I and Theresa I, Midwinter – 12th Night AS XLII (2008) Blackwork cuffs Design: Mistress Adrienne de Fildying de Faux Worked by: Mistress Adrienne de Fildying de Faux and Lady Aliena de Savigny |

 | Alfar II and Gudrun II, 12th Night – Midwinter AS XLI (2007) Viking woolwork cushions Design: Mistress Leonie de Grey Worked by: Lady Rosamond de Montfort, Mistress Rowan Perigrynne and Mistress Leonie de Grey |

 | Draco II and Asa II, Midwinter – 12th Night AS XLI (2007) Draco – Viking Woolwork cushion Design & work: Zanobia Adimiri Asa – Viking Woolwork cuffs Design: Marienna Jensdattr Worked by: Constance de Coligny and Jane Stockton |
 | Aedward II and Yolande II, 12th Night – Midwinter AS XLI (2006) Blackwork cuffs Design: Mistress Rowan Perigrynne Worked by: Mistress Leonie de Grey, Lady Ysmay de la Mor, Lady Anne of Lincoln, Lady Wilhelmina of Winchcomb, Mistress Adrienne Fildyng de Faux |
 | Cornelius II & Morwenna II, Midwinter – 12th Night AS XL (2006) Late 14thc German applique hanging Design: Lady Leonie de Grey Worked by: Lady Fionnabhair inghean ui Mheadhra, Dame Miriam Galbraith, Mistress Mathilde Adycote of Mynheniot, Lady Morag Freyser, Mistress Rowan Perigrynne, Lady Leonie de Grey |

 | Stephen I & Mathilde I, 12th Night – Midwinter AS XL (2005) Mathilde – Elizabethan partlet Design and work: Mistress Muirghein ni Grainne Stephen – Elizabethan gloves Design: Mistress Rowan Perigrynne Worked by: Lady Amelot de Akeney (initial work), Mistress Muirghein ni Ghrainne (substantial completion) |
  | Draco I & Serena (Asa) I, Midwinter – 12th Night AS XXXIX (2005) Viking woolwork cloak borders Design: Mistress Marienna Jensdatter Worked by: Lady Sinech ingen Chonchobair and Lady Leonie de Grey |
 | Aedward I and Yolande I, 12th Night – Midwinter AS XXXIX (2004) Aedward – Blackwork cap Design: Master Bartolemeo Giancristoforo Worked by: Lady Contarina la Bianca Yolade – Elizabethan gloves Design: Mistress Rowan Perigrynne Worked by: Lady Yvonne de Plumetot and Tristan de Poitiers (initial work), and Mistress Rowan Perigrynne (substantial completion) |
 | Alaric I and Nerissa I, Midwinter – 12th Night AS XXXVIII (2004) Alaric – Blackwork shirt Design and work: Lady Amelot de Akeney Nerissa: Pattern-darned towel Design and work: Mistress Selivia de l’Estoile |
  | Cornelius I and Morwenna I, 12th Night – Midwinter AS XXXVIII (2003) Cornelius – Split-stitch badge Design and work: Lady Jane Stockton Morwenna – Beaded henin Design and work: Mistress Keridwen the Mouse |
 | Alfar I and Elspeth I, Midwinter – 12th Night AS XXXVII (2003) Alfar – Bayeux-work hanging Design: Mistress Rowan Perigrynne and Lady Roisin Cinnsealach Worked by: Lady Roisin Cinnsealach Elspeth – Viking metalwork cuffs Design and work (reassigned): Mistress Sigrid Olafsdotir, Mistress Aveline Goupil) |