The following links will take you to pages featuring research on embroidery, embroidery techniques and collections of extant works. If you know of any links that aren’t listed but you feel should be, please contact the Guild Webmaster. 

General Links

Alexandra Lester-Makin
The research site of Alexandra Lester-Makin, a professional embroiderer and academic specialising in the embroidery of the British Isles in the early medieval period (400-1100).
Historical Needlework Resources
A site devoted to pre-1600 European embroidery, listing works by location and time period, and also providing information on period techniques and stitches.

Embroidery Collections

The Boston Museum of Fine Art – Embroidery Collection
The New York Metropolitan Museum of Art – Embroidery Timeline
The Victoria and Albert Museum – Embroidery Collection

Techniques and Styles

English Embroidered Bookbindings

Other SCA Embroiderers’ Guilds

The Atlantian Embroiderers Guild
East Kingdom – Keepers of Athena’s Thimble
The Meridian Embroidery Guild